Shield Nickels
Shield nickels were issued from 1866 to 1883. We buy all shield nickels in any condition. Send us your lists.
Shield nickels were issued from 1866 to 1883. We buy all shield nickels in any condition. Send us your lists.
We buy any Liberty Head nickels in any quantity, but we are especially wanting to buy the key date 1913. Can you help?
We buy bulk lots of silver war nickels in any quantity, but we are especially wanting to buy large lots of 5000 coins or mroe. Contact us today.
We see strong demand for Buffalo nickels, from 1913 to 1938 We especially need bulk lots in any condition. Let us know what you have.
From the 1916 ddo error which is utterly rare, to the more recent modern errors such as the 1955 D over S double die obverse, we are the top buyer for these error nickels and more.
We buy rolls of uncirculated or circulated nickels, especially if they are in their original bank or US Mint roll.
We are located in the Nashville, Tennessee area.