Who Buys Currency or Paper Money Collections? We Do!

paper money buyer

It is easy to sell your old paper money collection or estate to us from the privacy of your home. If you are looking to sell currency collection to a trusted buyer with over 30 years experience buying from the public, you have found the right place. We are a top currency on the Internet. No collection is too small or too large. We buy rare currency as well as common pre-1950 paper money without the delay of consignment and hassle of eBay - and for a fair price. We will even travel to you for large collections of key notes. Click the CONTACT US button below and tell us what you have.

Is old paper money valuable?

Yes, some (but not all) is. 2nd Markets has been buying currency collections such as silver certificates, gold certificates, high denomination notes and more for many years. For large collections, we can travel to you. We are located in the Nashville, Tennessee area.

Which notes are worth money?

Every paper dollar of the last 100 years is worth one dollar. Some old notes can be worth a fortune. But, like a winning lottery ticket, they are very, very rare. Here is a partial list of valuable currency:

We make a market in all pre-1950 paper money printed in the United States. We also buy some notes from other countries as well. We have created a partial list of wanted items to help you learn which old paper money notes are worth money.

Top 10 Most Wanted Currency

We see a strong demand for most pre-1950 currency, especially $500 bills and $1000 bills, gold certificates and high denomination silver certificates issued by the US Mint. In a nutshell, if your collection consists of pre-1950 currency, we are buyers.

Gold Certificates → Contact Us

Pre-1930 Silver Certificates → wanted Contact Us

Colonial Currency → wanted Contact Us

United States Notes → wanted Contact Us

Large 'Horse Blanket' Notes → wanted Contact Us

Railroad Currency → wanted Contact Us

Confederate Currency → wanted Contact Us

Early Federal Reserve Notes → wanted Contact Us

High Denomination Notes → wanted Contact Us

Paper money that is NOT wanted

A few things that are not selling too well at this time are common date, circulated modern currency, common date $2 bills, paper money dated after 1934, $20 bills from the last few years, and common modern dollars. These are VERY common. None of that stuff sells well. Spend them. We do not buy unless we must as part of a larger collection of good paper money.

Most Wanted This Week

Early gold certificates like this one are among the most desirable of rare paper money pieces. If you have any, let us know!

gold certificate

Old Paper Money We Buy

sell $1000 bill

$1000 Bills

US Mint $1000 bills went defunct in 1934 and are now much in demand. We are buyers for all $1000 bills, circulated or uncirculated condition, graded or not.

sell old gold coins

USA Gold Certificates

US Mint gold are always in high demand and are wanted to buy.

sell Silver Certificates

Silver Certificates

We buy pre-1928 Silver Certificates

sell obsolete bank notes

Obsolete Bank Notes

We buy obsolete bank notes, graded or ungraded, in any quantity, especially Mormon issues.

sell colonial currency

Colonial Money

We buy PCGS and NGC graded colonial currency in any quantity.

sell confederate currency

Civil War Confederate Money

From first issue 1861 notes to the 1864 high circulation commons, we buy them all.